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“Martins Pharmacy Lisbon” Locations

About “Martins Pharmacy Lisbon”

Martins Pharmacy Lisbon

Martins Pharmacy, with a legacy dating back to 1895, has been a steadfast provider of pharmaceutical services in Lisbon. With a longstanding commitment to the health and well-being of its customers, the pharmacy specializes in the handling and marketing of various pharmaceutical products.


One of the notable services offered by Martin’s Pharmacy is homoeopathy. Recognizing the growing interest in alternative medicine, the pharmacy provides expertise in homoeopathic remedies and treatments. Customers can seek advice and guidance on homoeopathic options tailored to their individual needs.


Martins Pharmacy also operates a manipulation laboratory, where specialized compounded medications are prepared. Compounded medications are customized formulations created to meet specific requirements, such as adjusted dosages or alternative delivery methods. This service ensures that customers receive personalized medications that suit their unique healthcare needs.


In addition to homoeopathy and the manipulation laboratory, Martins Pharmacy offers a wide range of medicines, both prescription and over-the-counter. The pharmacy prioritizes the availability and accessibility of various pharmaceutical products, ensuring that customers can easily obtain the medications they require for their health.


With over a century of experience, Martins Pharmacy continues to serve the community with a dedication to quality pharmaceutical care. By providing a comprehensive range of services, including homoeopathy, a manipulation laboratory, and a diverse selection of medicines, the pharmacy remains committed to meeting the diverse healthcare needs of its customers in Lisbon.

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