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“Apotheek Acibadem” Locations

About “Apotheek Acibadem”

Apotheek Acibadem


Apotheek Acibadem is located at Arlandaweg 100 in Amsterdam and is a key spot for residents to manage their health through medications. Led by Pharmacist R. Zieck, this pharmacy opens from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM, making it easy for people to visit during the typical workday. They focus on giving each person who walks through the door special attention, helping them understand and manage their medications effectively.


Pharmacist R. Zieck and his team believe it’s important to give medicine and connect with everyone who comes in. They take the time to talk with their customers, explain how their medications work, and answer any health questions. This personalized care helps ensure everyone feels looked after and informed about their health choices.


Apotheek Acibadem is also active in the community, offering educational sessions that teach people about various health issues and how to handle them. These sessions are part of the pharmacy’s efforts to help people take charge of their health. People can make better health decisions by learning more about topics like how to manage chronic diseases or the importance of preventive care.


To keep up with the modern world, the pharmacy uses the latest technology to keep detailed records of each patient’s medication history. This technology helps Pharmacist Zieck and his team provide precise and safe care, ensuring that all prescriptions are managed correctly and that any adjustments to medication are made accurately.


Lastly, understanding that not everyone can make it to the pharmacy during regular hours, Apotheek Acibadem offers flexible services like phone consultations and email communication for renewing prescriptions. This makes it much easier for people with busy schedules or those who find it hard to get out of the house to stay on top of their medication needs and health care.

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