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“Apotheke Carmer-7” Locations

About “Apotheke Carmer-7”

Apotheke Carmer-7


Apotheke Carmer-7, located at Carmerstr. 7 in Berlin, run by Bettina Moeglich e.K., is a friendly neighbourhood pharmacy that offers several helpful services to make managing your health easier.


One of the cool features they offer is the e-prescription service. This lets you order your medications online, and when you pick them up at the pharmacy, you can also get advice about how to use them properly. This is super convenient because it combines the ease of ordering from home with getting professional guidance in person.


If you can’t get to the pharmacy, no worries, they have a messenger service that will deliver medications right to your doorstep. This is handy for anyone who finds it tough to leave the house, whether because of illness or a busy schedule.


Apotheke Carmer-7 also has gift vouchers, which means you can give someone a voucher for health-related products. You get to choose how much money you want to put on the voucher, making it a flexible and thoughtful gift.


They also offer a customer card. When you use this card, you can be sure that all your personal info is safe and secure. Plus, this card lets you access special deals and perks that can save you money.


There’s also a loyalty points card. Every time you buy something, you earn points, and once you collect enough, you can turn them into a €10 reward. This is a great way to save money over time, especially if you regularly need to buy medications or health products.


For those who need medical equipment but find buying it too expensive, the pharmacy provides a rental service. You can rent high-quality medical items for a while instead of buying them, which can help if you’re on a tight budget.


Apotheke Carmer-7 is more than just a place to pick up medicine. It’s a vital part of the community that helps everyone stay healthy with its services and expert advice. Whether you need quick delivery, rental options, or help understanding your health needs, Apotheke Carmer-7 is there to help.

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