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“Apotheke am Koppenplatz” Locations

About “Apotheke am Koppenplatz”

Apotheke am Koppenplatz


Apotheke am Koppenplatz, located at Koppenplatz 13-14 in Berlin, is a friendly neighbourhood pharmacy that offers many helpful services. It’s open from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekdays and from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays, making visiting after school or work easy.


The pharmacy provides a rental service for essential health equipment like inhalers and electric breast pumps. This is great for people who need these items temporarily and don’t want to buy them.


Apotheke am Koppenplatz also focuses on skin care. They carry popular brands such as Avene, Dr. Hauschka, Eubos, Eucerin, La Roche-Posay, and olive oil care products from Medipharma. They also have products from Rausch, Vichy, and Weleda. Whether you have dry skin, oily skin, or something in between, they have products that can help.


If you’re interested in alternative medicine, the pharmacy has a variety of homoeopathic treatments and Schüssler salts, which are special mineral salts used in alternative medicine to treat different health issues.


In addition to selling products, the pharmacy offers some health tests in the store. You can check your blood pressure, which is a quick way to monitor your health. They also offer travel vaccinations, which are important if you plan to go abroad.


Apotheke am Koppenplatz makes it easy to find what you need with services like reservation and emergency services. They even have a search tool for package inserts and detailed checks for different health services and tests. Plus, they provide advice clips and information on dietary supplements and medicinal plants, helping you learn more about health and wellness.


Overall, Apotheke am Koppenplatz is more than just a place to get medicine; it’s a resource for health and wellness, making it a valuable part of the Berlin community.

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