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“Pharmacie COTY ISSOIRE” Locations

About “Pharmacie COTY ISSOIRE”



Pharmacy Coty-Issoire, located at 15 Avenue René Coty in Paris, is more than just a place to get medicine. Open from Monday to Saturday, it is run by six dedicated professionals who provide various health services and products. This pharmacy offers allopathic (traditional) and homoeopathic (natural) medicines and gives personalized advice on various cosmetic products, orthopaedic aids, and even pet health.


Through its partnerships with Pranarom and Arkopharma laboratories, Coty-Issoire offers customers a wide selection of essential oils and herbal treatments. These options show the pharmacy’s commitment to offering natural and effective health solutions alongside more conventional medicines, catering to all preferences and needs.


The pharmacy is known for its focus on providing tailored care. It offers specialized advice and products to help with different health issues affecting people at various life stages. For example, they help teenagers manage skin problems like acne with skincare products, assist people with chronic diseases such as diabetes or high blood pressure, and support those trying to quit smoking. Each service is designed to meet the unique needs of its customers.


Pharmacy Coty-Issoire also provides additional services like aromatherapy, renting and selling medical equipment, and planning for travel health needs. They are committed to helping their community in many ways, from guiding new parents through the early days with their babies to assisting elderly patients in managing their medications effectively.


For anyone in the 75014 Paris area, Pharmacy Coty-Issoire is not just a place to pick up prescriptions. It’s a supportive resource for maintaining and improving health, ready to help with expert advice and a wide range of services tailored to each customer’s needs.

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