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“Pharmacie du 58” Locations

About “Pharmacie du 58”

Pharmacie du 58


Pharmacie du 58, located at 58 Rue Oberkampf in Paris, is a friendly neighbourhood pharmacy open Monday through Saturday. It offers a modern way for everyone, especially busy families and individuals, to handle their health needs with ease. The staff at Pharmacie du 58 is dedicated to providing helpful advice and top-notch services to everyone who walks through its doors.


Your journey to find a pharmacy near me in Paris ends successfully here. This pharmacy makes everything about health care convenient. Through their online services, you can check when the pharmacy is open, send in your prescriptions, make appointments with the pharmacist, and get updates on promotions and health news. If you have questions or need quick advice, you can also contact them through instant messaging.


One of the coolest services they offer is the ability to take a picture of your prescription as soon as you leave the doctor’s office. You can send this picture to the pharmacy, and they will have your prescription ready to pick up in just 20 minutes at a special priority counter. This means no more waiting in long lines! Plus, you can order over-the-counter products and set up prescription refills so you’re always in your necessary medications.


Pharmacie du 58 also specializes in maternity and early childhood, offering expert advice and support to new parents and caregivers. They host events in partnership with big health and beauty brands where customers can try new products and grab great deals. These events are not just fun; they provide a chance to learn about health products that can make a difference in your life.


Pharmacie du 58 is more than just a place to get medicine. It’s a community centre that cares deeply about helping you stay healthy. With a team of dedicated professionals and many easy-to-use services, this pharmacy ensures that taking care of your health is straightforward and hassle-free. Whether you need expert advice for caring for a baby or just want to pick up your medicine quickly, Pharmacie du 58 is there to help.

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