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“Pharmacie Saint Bruno” Locations

About “Pharmacie Saint Bruno”

Pharmacie Saint Bruno


Saint Bruno Pharmacy is located at 131 Rue Georges Bonnac in Bordeaux, France. It offers accessible healthcare services from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays and until noon on Saturdays. The pharmacy is dedicated to providing its customers personalised care and professional expertise.


The team at Saint Bruno Pharmacy prioritises the well-being of its patrons, offering specialised advice in various healthcare areas. They excel in aromatherapy, utilising plant extracts and essential oils for therapeutic purposes, and provide personalised recommendations tailored to individual health needs.


In addition to aromatherapy, the pharmacy specialises in contention therapy, offering support stockings and compression garments to improve venous return and circulation. This service aims to enhance customers’ leg health and comfort.


Saint Bruno Pharmacy also features a range of homoeopathic treatments, providing natural remedies for common ailments such as colds, coughs, and allergies. Their expertise extends to orthopaedic care, offering support, braces, and orthoses to manage injuries and chronic pain.


Moreover, the pharmacy supplies various medical equipment for sale or rental, ensuring accessibility to essential devices for home care and mobility support. This comprehensive approach reflects their commitment to supporting customers throughout their health journeys.


Beyond its in-store services, Saint Bruno Pharmacy maintains an informative website where customers can access health information, advice, and details about the pharmacy’s offerings. This online platform enhances convenience and accessibility, allowing customers to engage with healthcare resources from home.


With a focus on professionalism and customer satisfaction, Saint Bruno Pharmacy remains a trusted healthcare provider in Bordeaux. They strive to promote holistic health and well-being, ensuring customers receive the personalised care and attention they deserve.

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