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“Apotheek Zeeburg” Locations

About “Apotheek Zeeburg”

Apotheek Zeeburg


Apotheek Zeeburg, located at Oostelijke Handelskade 1025-1027 in Amsterdam, focuses on giving each person who walks in personalised attention to help them with their medications. They aim to ensure you get the best support when using your medicines, whether you pick them up or have questions about how to use them.


At Apotheek Zeeburg, you can always find someone to talk to about your medications. If you have questions or need advice, you can ask any of their friendly assistants or schedule a time to chat with the pharmacist. They even make it easy to handle your prescriptions with a service on their website that lets you request refills anytime you need, 24/7.


This pharmacy also offers specific services like help with diabetes management and a pill service that helps organise your medications so you can take them correctly. These services are designed to make managing your health simpler and less stressful.


One cool feature Apotheek Zeeburg added in January 2021 is their 24/7 takeaway machine. This machine lets you pick up your medications at any time of the day or night, which is handy, especially during busy times or if you can’t get to the pharmacy during regular hours. But remember, not all medications can be picked up from this machine, and they only keep them there for 72 hours. So, you have to pick them up quickly once you get the notification.


Apotheek Zeeburg is more than just a place to get your medicine. It’s a helpful spot where you can get answers to your health questions, manage your prescriptions easily, and feel supported by knowledgeable staff who care about your well-being. They work hard to ensure you have a good experience and get the care you need.

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